Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More, More, More

That's all I've been hearing since Saturday - why? Mikey has loved the movie Madagascar ever since my sister gave it to him and for the last month every time he saw the previews of Madagascar 2 he would stop and his tracks and stare, then cheer. So, like any loving parents would, Michael & I decided to take him to the show on Saturday to see it. HE LOVED IT -- sat thru the whole thing in awe and when the credits rolled what did my child say? MORE!!!! We explained there was no more and left the theater fast. On the way home we got him a Happy Meal for being so good and along with it came a Madagascar toy. The toy has been attached to his hand since saturday afternoon and the first Madagascar movie has been in the DVD player since too. AND EVERYDAY we have watched the first Madagascar numerous time. As soon as the credits roll I hear, MORE, MORE, MORE -- I'm so sick of that damn movie -- I'm now singing "I like to Move it, Move it" in my sleep!! I'm starting to think about hiding the toy so he forgets about the movie for a while. :)

1 comment:

mandi said...

Meredith loves madagascar too! It is very cute. We haven't made it to see Madagascar 2 and I'm not sure when we will, but I'm looking forward to it!