Just a quick update - the doodle bug did excellant last night!!!!! I had my cake decorating class so it was just Daddy & Mikey. He went to bed like a champ (choosing of course his converted crib). I debated when I got home whether I would sleep upstairs again or give him a go at sleeping without a security in the room. At 11pm I decided my bed was far more comfortable. :)
I woke up periodically throughout the night and listened to the monitor expecting to hear him playing or calling for me - but all was silent. He made it thru the night - the WHOLE night! I went upstairs at 7:30 and he was just laying in bed smiling. When I asked if he wanted to get out of bed and come downstairs he said NO. Little stinker loves his bed now! He got out of bed after a few minutes, however didn't want to go downstairs just yet - he wanted to play. So we played and about 10 to 8 I finally convinced him that we needed to go down and start getting ready for school.
Thank you God for answering my prayers and giving me back my little boy who sleeps thru the night and wakes up happy!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
St. Augustine Alligator Farm
Today we went to the Alligator Farm -- WHAT A GREAT PLACE! We had so much fun & Mikey really enjoyed all the gators! It was amazing the amount of alligators and crocs they had in each exhibit. We even fed the gators in the swamp exhibit, which thrilled Mikey to death - he kept asking for more and more pellets. Honestly, I have never experienced such active gators in captivity - it was like the shows you see on TV - and nothing like the gators at the zoo!
The Gator Pit -- there were at least 30 gators in this giant pit and they were HUGE!!! The pictures definitely don't do them justice!

Brace yourselves for the fat preggo in this pic! :)

This is Maximo - he is FREAKIN' HUGE! As you can see that tooth is as big as two of Mikey's fingers. He is a saltwater croc that is 15 feet 3inches long and weighs 1,250 pounds. It was amazing the size of this guy!

These shots were taken while we were feeding the gators. I thought nothing of putting 25 cents into this gumball machine to get a handful of pellets that I thought would just float in the water and not interest the gators. I WAS SO WRONG. The gators love these things and boy they snap their mouths hard to catch them floating in the water. Mikey LOVED it. I even had to gather all my change and go ask a older couple near us for quarters so that we could get more pellets. The man was nice enough to give me all his quarters (which we used) and him and his wife came an enjoyed the show as Mikey and I threw pellets in the water.

And last is the "little guy" pit -- there were easily 50 gators and crocs mixed together in here. Guess once they get bigger they get moved into the "big guy" pit.

Thank you daddy for paying the outrageous entrance fee - we had such a great time watcing the gators!!!!
The Gator Pit -- there were at least 30 gators in this giant pit and they were HUGE!!! The pictures definitely don't do them justice!

Brace yourselves for the fat preggo in this pic! :)

This is Maximo - he is FREAKIN' HUGE! As you can see that tooth is as big as two of Mikey's fingers. He is a saltwater croc that is 15 feet 3inches long and weighs 1,250 pounds. It was amazing the size of this guy!

These shots were taken while we were feeding the gators. I thought nothing of putting 25 cents into this gumball machine to get a handful of pellets that I thought would just float in the water and not interest the gators. I WAS SO WRONG. The gators love these things and boy they snap their mouths hard to catch them floating in the water. Mikey LOVED it. I even had to gather all my change and go ask a older couple near us for quarters so that we could get more pellets. The man was nice enough to give me all his quarters (which we used) and him and his wife came an enjoyed the show as Mikey and I threw pellets in the water.

And last is the "little guy" pit -- there were easily 50 gators and crocs mixed together in here. Guess once they get bigger they get moved into the "big guy" pit.

Thank you daddy for paying the outrageous entrance fee - we had such a great time watcing the gators!!!!
3rd Night
3rd night's details are very slim. First because Michael's mom put him to bed so we could go to a Halloween Party and second because it was daddy's turn upstairs again. So all I really know is that he went to sleep fine (according to Grandma) in his converted crib and that he woke up at 4am and was back down by 4:30am. Daddy's not that great with the remembering the details. (love ya babe!)
As for Night 4 -- he went to sleep easy tonight. We finished bath and went into his room. He refused to be rocked, made sure to tell daddy "no" cause he wanted mommy and climbed into the converted crib again and fell asleep with mommy sitting in the rocker next to him. I think me being in the chair is like a little security blanket for him. We'll be sure to break that routine once we have a good sleeping pattern in place. I'll fill you in on the rest of the details of the night tomorrow.
So far he has only slept once in the big boy bed - but I'm ok with that - whatever makes his transistion easiest! :)
As for Night 4 -- he went to sleep easy tonight. We finished bath and went into his room. He refused to be rocked, made sure to tell daddy "no" cause he wanted mommy and climbed into the converted crib again and fell asleep with mommy sitting in the rocker next to him. I think me being in the chair is like a little security blanket for him. We'll be sure to break that routine once we have a good sleeping pattern in place. I'll fill you in on the rest of the details of the night tomorrow.
So far he has only slept once in the big boy bed - but I'm ok with that - whatever makes his transistion easiest! :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Night #2
Last night was daddy's turn - so the details aren't great - but here's how things went down.
We finished bath and went to his room (the normal routine) and since it was daddy's turn I kissed him goodnight and left the room. He laid in his converted crib and then let daddy rock him, then decided to go into his big boy bed. Michael stayed in the room as a security for a little while longer (and ended up dozing off) and when he woke up Mikey was back in the coverted crib. He kissed him goodnight and left the room - that is when I heard over and over "mama, mama, mama" It didn't last long at all this time - thank GOD.
After we watched one of our recorded shows Michael went up to sleep in the "mommy" bed. Mikey was still in the coverted crib sleeping. At some point in the night Mikey woke up startled, Michael comforted him, rocked him for a minute then tucked him back into his converted crib. And he was all good. Then again he got up, however Michael did not - he just watched - Mikey went over to his toys, looked at a few books (in the dark), picked up a toy or too, then crawled back into his little bed.
So all in all, last night was a good night! YAY!
We finished bath and went to his room (the normal routine) and since it was daddy's turn I kissed him goodnight and left the room. He laid in his converted crib and then let daddy rock him, then decided to go into his big boy bed. Michael stayed in the room as a security for a little while longer (and ended up dozing off) and when he woke up Mikey was back in the coverted crib. He kissed him goodnight and left the room - that is when I heard over and over "mama, mama, mama" It didn't last long at all this time - thank GOD.
After we watched one of our recorded shows Michael went up to sleep in the "mommy" bed. Mikey was still in the coverted crib sleeping. At some point in the night Mikey woke up startled, Michael comforted him, rocked him for a minute then tucked him back into his converted crib. And he was all good. Then again he got up, however Michael did not - he just watched - Mikey went over to his toys, looked at a few books (in the dark), picked up a toy or too, then crawled back into his little bed.
So all in all, last night was a good night! YAY!
Friday, October 17, 2008
His 1st Night
We bit the bullet, dove into the deep end, and began a new chapter in our lives! Yes, we let the boy have his way and gave him his big boy bed. It took a couple hours of preparation - which he diligently watched - but we managed to "Mikey" proof the room. We took apart the bunk beds, removed the daybed and trundle from the room and converted his crib into a toddler bed. He now has two options for sleeping - his big boy bed (which is the top bunk with rails that now sits on the floor) or his crib / toddler bed.
After bath he was very excited to get into his Big Boy bed - he laid there, let me cover him and was content. I even tried to rock him, which he didn't want. So we kissed him goodnight and left the room. WOW - NO CRYING! I watched Grey's and then decided to go to bed - however I was not sleeping in my bed, I was sleeping in the "mommy" bed in Mikey's room just as a security in case he woke up. All was good -- UNTIL 3 AM! He woke up startled, which I was expecting. I comforted him and tried to get him to go back to sleep. NO SUCH LUCK. He wanted no part of going back to sleep, ughhhhhhh! Still I pleaded.
Finally at 5:30 am - when sheer exhaustion had taken over I laid him in his bed and crawled into mine. He immediately got out and tried to crawl in bed with me - which I said NO to. I didn't get out to comfort him, I stayed in my bed and gave him an option - either get back in your big boy bed or get into your crib. Tears followed. I stayed strong though and didn't leave my post. After about 3 minutes he decided to crawl into his crib/toddler bed. He turned on his rain forest and that was it - off to dreamland. AMEN, mommy got to go back to sleep!
Tonight - it's daddy's turn, mommy and the baby need a full nights sleep!
Before bath - loving his big boy bed

Pretending to sleep

Look at me!

So proud!
After bath he was very excited to get into his Big Boy bed - he laid there, let me cover him and was content. I even tried to rock him, which he didn't want. So we kissed him goodnight and left the room. WOW - NO CRYING! I watched Grey's and then decided to go to bed - however I was not sleeping in my bed, I was sleeping in the "mommy" bed in Mikey's room just as a security in case he woke up. All was good -- UNTIL 3 AM! He woke up startled, which I was expecting. I comforted him and tried to get him to go back to sleep. NO SUCH LUCK. He wanted no part of going back to sleep, ughhhhhhh! Still I pleaded.
Finally at 5:30 am - when sheer exhaustion had taken over I laid him in his bed and crawled into mine. He immediately got out and tried to crawl in bed with me - which I said NO to. I didn't get out to comfort him, I stayed in my bed and gave him an option - either get back in your big boy bed or get into your crib. Tears followed. I stayed strong though and didn't leave my post. After about 3 minutes he decided to crawl into his crib/toddler bed. He turned on his rain forest and that was it - off to dreamland. AMEN, mommy got to go back to sleep!
Tonight - it's daddy's turn, mommy and the baby need a full nights sleep!
Before bath - loving his big boy bed

Pretending to sleep

Look at me!

So proud!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Torn - cont.
Last night we decided to give the crib one more try. We did our normal routine - bath, books, rocker, prayers - then bed. The "then bed" part was a little rough, he fought me with every bit of strength he had left in him. None the less I got him into the crib, kissed him goodnight and left the room. I left him there crying and it broke my heart. It didn't last long - maybe 3 minutes. Whew - only 3 minutes, I thought to myslef, we are in the clear. I changed into my jammies, watched some Jon & Kate and then went to bed to read. The last time I looked at the clock it was about 10:15 and I thought to myself, please God, let him sleep the night.
Well, I got an hour and half of good deep sleep before I heard the screaming over the monitor. Here we go again. I decided to let him cry for a while to see if he'd go back to sleep. Listening to that scream brought back every horrible memory of the "crying it out" we did when he was about 8 months old. After 30 minutes of pure torture I broke and went upstairs. Again he was standing there, teddys in arms, pointing to the daybed. OK, buddy, sit tight, mommy will get the bed ready. The daybed is covered with junk and has no sheets, so I pulled out the trundle and took him, the teddys, his pillow and blanket and laid them on the bed. He was content - didn't move, didn't make a peep. I tucked him in and told him I'd be back. I left the room to go get my phone, otherwise known as my alarm clock, and went back up to his room. He was still laying there, hadn't moved, hadn't cried.
I laid down with him for 5 minutes then whispered to him, you sleep in your big boy bed, mommy is going to sleep in the other bed. And up I got and climbed into the bottom bunk of his bunk beds (yes, we have quite a few beds in his big boy room - 5 to be exact if you count his crib and there is still plenty of room)- which also doesn't have sheets on and laid there to watch him. He didn't get up, didn't try to play or talk to me, just laid there playing with his hair until he fell asleep. And sleep he did - the whole night.
So tonight I may try just putting him in the big boy bed and leaving it at that. Although I will have anxiety the whole time, he might sleep better.
Well, I got an hour and half of good deep sleep before I heard the screaming over the monitor. Here we go again. I decided to let him cry for a while to see if he'd go back to sleep. Listening to that scream brought back every horrible memory of the "crying it out" we did when he was about 8 months old. After 30 minutes of pure torture I broke and went upstairs. Again he was standing there, teddys in arms, pointing to the daybed. OK, buddy, sit tight, mommy will get the bed ready. The daybed is covered with junk and has no sheets, so I pulled out the trundle and took him, the teddys, his pillow and blanket and laid them on the bed. He was content - didn't move, didn't make a peep. I tucked him in and told him I'd be back. I left the room to go get my phone, otherwise known as my alarm clock, and went back up to his room. He was still laying there, hadn't moved, hadn't cried.
I laid down with him for 5 minutes then whispered to him, you sleep in your big boy bed, mommy is going to sleep in the other bed. And up I got and climbed into the bottom bunk of his bunk beds (yes, we have quite a few beds in his big boy room - 5 to be exact if you count his crib and there is still plenty of room)- which also doesn't have sheets on and laid there to watch him. He didn't get up, didn't try to play or talk to me, just laid there playing with his hair until he fell asleep. And sleep he did - the whole night.
So tonight I may try just putting him in the big boy bed and leaving it at that. Although I will have anxiety the whole time, he might sleep better.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
We moved mikey into his "big boy" room this past weekend - which he loves. It's a bigger room with a half finished mural on the wall - Mommy's still working on it buddy! We moved his crib in there to make the transition easier but because his "big boy" bed is in there too he's having a rough time. He cries now when you put him in his crib and points to the other bed. Last night he woke up at 2am screaming - so i went up to check on him and he had all his teddy bears in his arms and his nuks and was pointing to the "big boy" bed. I picked him up and laid down on the twin bed with him and he went right back to sleep. Do you think that's him telling me he's ready for the big bed??
I'm so torn. I don't want to move him if he's not ready. And I don't know if I'm ready for the added stress of not knowing if he's in bed or not. Or if he's unplugged a nightlight and zapped himself. Or if he's doing something he's not supposed to. Why oh why are these decisions, that seemed so simple before I had kids, so difficult to make now that I am a parent?
I'm so torn. I don't want to move him if he's not ready. And I don't know if I'm ready for the added stress of not knowing if he's in bed or not. Or if he's unplugged a nightlight and zapped himself. Or if he's doing something he's not supposed to. Why oh why are these decisions, that seemed so simple before I had kids, so difficult to make now that I am a parent?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
His Favorite Place
Mikey has a new favorite place - Mommy & Daddy's bed! It never fails, the minute I leave the master bedroom door open, no matter what time of day, he darts right in and climbs into bed. Here are a few pictures of the last time I caught him in there! :) (notice the remote is always in his hand - lol)

My 1st Cake
Well it's not really my "1st" cake - I've attempted to decorate cakes before - but this is the 1st cake after starting the Wilton Cake Decorating classes at Michael's. And I must say, I'm pretty proud of my little frog cake. I only hope that the next two classes teach me more techniques! Then maybe I'll take Level II.
Enjoy the pics of the little frog cake - I don't think it's going to last long in this house. Mikey is ready to eat it now. Probably didn't help that while I was decorating it, I would squeeze out little starts onto his finger to keep him happy while mommy was busy. :)

Enjoy the pics of the little frog cake - I don't think it's going to last long in this house. Mikey is ready to eat it now. Probably didn't help that while I was decorating it, I would squeeze out little starts onto his finger to keep him happy while mommy was busy. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Must Read!
For my birthday I asked Michael for a book - a book that my cousin had mentioned to me once and I had heard about from watching TV. A book that I finished in 1 day because I couldn't put it down. A book that ALL MOTHERS need to read.
The Book --- Louder than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism by Jenny McCarthy.
I decided to read this book because of all the controversy out there about vaccinating your children. And what an eye opening, page turning, heart wrenching experience it was.
I highly recommend it - regardless of the fact that your children are healthy - read it for those mothers you know who have an autistic child, and experience life in their shoes for a while.
The Book --- Louder than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism by Jenny McCarthy.
I decided to read this book because of all the controversy out there about vaccinating your children. And what an eye opening, page turning, heart wrenching experience it was.
I highly recommend it - regardless of the fact that your children are healthy - read it for those mothers you know who have an autistic child, and experience life in their shoes for a while.
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