After bath he was very excited to get into his Big Boy bed - he laid there, let me cover him and was content. I even tried to rock him, which he didn't want. So we kissed him goodnight and left the room. WOW - NO CRYING! I watched Grey's and then decided to go to bed - however I was not sleeping in my bed, I was sleeping in the "mommy" bed in Mikey's room just as a security in case he woke up. All was good -- UNTIL 3 AM! He woke up startled, which I was expecting. I comforted him and tried to get him to go back to sleep. NO SUCH LUCK. He wanted no part of going back to sleep, ughhhhhhh! Still I pleaded.
Finally at 5:30 am - when sheer exhaustion had taken over I laid him in his bed and crawled into mine. He immediately got out and tried to crawl in bed with me - which I said NO to. I didn't get out to comfort him, I stayed in my bed and gave him an option - either get back in your big boy bed or get into your crib. Tears followed. I stayed strong though and didn't leave my post. After about 3 minutes he decided to crawl into his crib/toddler bed. He turned on his rain forest and that was it - off to dreamland. AMEN, mommy got to go back to sleep!
Tonight - it's daddy's turn, mommy and the baby need a full nights sleep!
Before bath - loving his big boy bed

Pretending to sleep

Look at me!

So proud!

1 comment:
I'm so proud of Mikey....AND YOU!!!! Way to go. Sounds like an interesting nice but it could have been worse. What a big boy!
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