In this case, it's really cute.....he decided to mimic Daddy and his cousins while watching a movie at Grandma's house.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just Like Daddy
We have entered the Monkey See, Monkey Do stage. Sometimes it's really cute and sometimes you want to kick yourself because you know better than to do certain things in front of him. LOL
In this case, it's really cute.....he decided to mimic Daddy and his cousins while watching a movie at Grandma's house.

In this case, it's really cute.....he decided to mimic Daddy and his cousins while watching a movie at Grandma's house.
Birthday Presents
December 20th
Mikey's Birthday - It's hard for me to believe that 2 short years ago I was having major surgery to meet this little man of mine. Weighing in at 7lbs. 1oz, he came into this world screaming his head off and finally settled down when they placed him in my arms. He was so tiny then - it's hard to believe he used to be that small. He has managed to turn our world upside down and has change our lives for the better.
Mikey, I hope you enjoyed your birthday party as much as Mommy enjoyed planning it! You're growing up so fast - my big 2 year old boy - I love you more with each passing day! Happy Birthday Little Man!
Birthday Morning~

At the party~

"no more cheese - CAKE!"~

I'm this many~

Mikey, I hope you enjoyed your birthday party as much as Mommy enjoyed planning it! You're growing up so fast - my big 2 year old boy - I love you more with each passing day! Happy Birthday Little Man!
Birthday Morning~
At the party~
"no more cheese - CAKE!"~
I'm this many~
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Reason for the Season
As I read about my friend's mom volunteering with the Salvation Army in the paper I am reminded of the reason for the holiday season! Sure, we stress over the perfect gifts to get for everyone and for a month tell our children that if they misbehave Santa may not come. But really the presents are just fluff which sometimes cloud the meaning of Christmas and we need to remember that present giving and recieving isn't what this season is all about.
It's about reconnecting with friends and family that we haven't seen in a while and enjoying their company, sharing a meal with them and being thankful for the time we have had with them on earth, all the while celebrating something that is much bigger than all of us - Jesus' birth.
May all who read this have a very Happy, Safe and Blessed Holiday Season!
It's about reconnecting with friends and family that we haven't seen in a while and enjoying their company, sharing a meal with them and being thankful for the time we have had with them on earth, all the while celebrating something that is much bigger than all of us - Jesus' birth.
May all who read this have a very Happy, Safe and Blessed Holiday Season!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Santa Claus!
We took Mikey to Peterbrooke Chocolatier this weekend because they had Santa there and were taking free pictures. My thoughts were to test the waters - see how Mikey reacts to Santa before we go wait in the horrible lines at the mall for a picture where he's crying. He was great - didn't mind Santa at all - probably because Santa gave him a candy cane right off the bat. He didn't smile for the picture but at least he's not crying. And for a FREE picture - it's not half bad! :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Tree Farm
Today we took a trip to the Songer Christmas Tree Farm to cut down our christmas tree. We went last year and had so much fun we decided to make it a family tradition. It was a pretty dreary day and sprinkling a little - perfect tree weather as my dad would say - but Mikey had a blast! Last year he was in a strolller so it wasn't as much fun - this year he walked around sniffing the trees and telling us "let's go" if we stopped to look at a tree to long. I think his favorite part was watching the tree "dance" - the owners put the tree in a stand and shake it like crazy to get all the dead needles out as well as anything that may have been living there. :)
ready to go with map in hand

checking to see if it has a good smell

looking for the perfect tree

helping dad cut it down
ready to go with map in hand
checking to see if it has a good smell
looking for the perfect tree
helping dad cut it down
Cool Dude
This trend started last week - we were driving in the car and the sun was in Mikey's eyes (because he torn down his sun shade and ruined it) so Michael handed Mikey his sun glasses. He wore them the whole ride. :) Now it seems that when we get in the car and the sun is out he says "eyes" and requests sunglassses.
This is him today wearing his own "cool dude" shades. Notice he has them on upsidedown! lol
This is him today wearing his own "cool dude" shades. Notice he has them on upsidedown! lol
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A New Classroom
Mikey's transition began today - from his 18 to 24 month class to the 2 year old class. According to the teachers he did great -- he seemed to like the new class when I picked him up from school -- still a part of me was sad. Sad that I didn't know ahead of time that my little guy was taking such a big step today, sad that I didn't get to talk to him about it ahead of time and sad that my little man is growing up. He's not totally in that class yet - he still has his cubby in Ms. Chris' class - but he spent most of the day with Ms. Melanie.
I just hope and pray that this is the right move for him. I've been tossing & turning about it. I hope that the transition is taking place far enough ahead of the new baby coming that he won't feel like his whole world is changing. I wanted school to be his constant - he's little world that isn't effected by the birth of his sibling. So maybe making the change now is good - doesn't mean I'm not gonna worry that we are doing the right thing.
I just hope and pray that this is the right move for him. I've been tossing & turning about it. I hope that the transition is taking place far enough ahead of the new baby coming that he won't feel like his whole world is changing. I wanted school to be his constant - he's little world that isn't effected by the birth of his sibling. So maybe making the change now is good - doesn't mean I'm not gonna worry that we are doing the right thing.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cake Class Pays Off
Well my friends, I'm proud to say that after 2 cake decorating classes, I'm pretty handy with my decorating bags and tips. I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be, I still see too many flaws in my cakes, but everyone else seems to like them. :)
Anyway - here's my Thanksgiving Masterpece - I got brave and made a 2 tiered cakes.

Anyway - here's my Thanksgiving Masterpece - I got brave and made a 2 tiered cakes.
Fire Bugs
Thanksgiving Feast
Last week was the Thanksgiving Feast at Mikey's school. Each child was asked to bring something that everyone could share. Ms. Chris, their teacher, made them all turkey hats to wear - and believe it or not - they wore them. They all sat down to eat together too. Well except for Mikey, he's so darn picky these days, unless it's a poptart he's not eating it.
Here are some pics - Enjoy!

Here are some pics - Enjoy!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Blonde Moment
Today was one of those days - one of those days where you think to yourself - DID I REALLY DO THAT?? And today I answered myself with -- YES YOU DID! I will chalk it up to a blonde moment - maybe from all the hair dye from my 20s! :)
It all began with unwrapping a Bath & Body Works Wallflower - I got it free yesterday and was excited to plug it in in the half bath. Loaded it, made sure it was tight, then went and plugged it in in the bathroom. A little while later I went to wash my hands and noticed a puddle on the floor, then I looked at the baseboard and it looked like the paint was peeling off. Sure enough - it was - and the puddle was from the wallflower. WHY?? Well turns out that in all my excitement I plugged the damn thing in upside-down! Note to self, make sure you pay attention when plugging in things with scented oil!
It all began with unwrapping a Bath & Body Works Wallflower - I got it free yesterday and was excited to plug it in in the half bath. Loaded it, made sure it was tight, then went and plugged it in in the bathroom. A little while later I went to wash my hands and noticed a puddle on the floor, then I looked at the baseboard and it looked like the paint was peeling off. Sure enough - it was - and the puddle was from the wallflower. WHY?? Well turns out that in all my excitement I plugged the damn thing in upside-down! Note to self, make sure you pay attention when plugging in things with scented oil!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pregnancy Brain?
As Mikey naps today and I scamble to somewhat organize my disheveled house, I wonder - Do I have Pregnancy Brain? Is that why I feel like nothing gets accomplished these days and that things are always in disarray? Is that why I seem to forget that I put things in the washer hours ago and have never put them in the dryer? Is it why I straighten clothes fresh from the dryer and carry them in the bedroom only to forget they are there until it's time to crawl in bed? Or is it that I have always been this way and am just now realizing it?
I admit that I have always, always, always been a procrastinator. I've always dreamt of being like my friend Stephany, who is neat, organized, prompt and always put together - but somehow that role doesn't fit on me. It try, really I do - I long for organization, and believe me, I try my hardest to get things organized - it's just that they don't stay that way for long. It seems like I always get these GREAT ideas and start to put them into action only to get sidetracked or to have another GREAT idea pop in my head which pulls me away from what I'm doing. For example, as I sit here typing I can look to my left and see a huge pile of magazines that need to either be read or recycled, yet I haven't done it yet - WHY? Because it's not at top priority of mine.
Ahhhhh - if only there were a way that I could reprogram myself - or get rid of the pregnancy brain - cause as of today, that's what i'm blaiming the messy house on! :)
I admit that I have always, always, always been a procrastinator. I've always dreamt of being like my friend Stephany, who is neat, organized, prompt and always put together - but somehow that role doesn't fit on me. It try, really I do - I long for organization, and believe me, I try my hardest to get things organized - it's just that they don't stay that way for long. It seems like I always get these GREAT ideas and start to put them into action only to get sidetracked or to have another GREAT idea pop in my head which pulls me away from what I'm doing. For example, as I sit here typing I can look to my left and see a huge pile of magazines that need to either be read or recycled, yet I haven't done it yet - WHY? Because it's not at top priority of mine.
Ahhhhh - if only there were a way that I could reprogram myself - or get rid of the pregnancy brain - cause as of today, that's what i'm blaiming the messy house on! :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Such Progress
We've come along way buddy! Just 2 short months ago you clung to me and cried when I left you at school and now you walk right in like the little champ you are. Today you even told me you wanted to stay and not come home with me. I can't lie, it broke my heart a little, but in the same breathe it made me so proud of you. You're spreading your wings and flying!
I have my fingers crossed that next month's transistion into a new class is an easy one for you. Your buddy Greyson has already moved up, so hopefully you will enjoy the chance to be with him again. And while I will miss my morning chats with Ms. Chris, I'm sure I will have plenty to chat about with Ms. Melanie.
I love you Doodle Bug!
I have my fingers crossed that next month's transistion into a new class is an easy one for you. Your buddy Greyson has already moved up, so hopefully you will enjoy the chance to be with him again. And while I will miss my morning chats with Ms. Chris, I'm sure I will have plenty to chat about with Ms. Melanie.
I love you Doodle Bug!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
More, More, More
That's all I've been hearing since Saturday - why? Mikey has loved the movie Madagascar ever since my sister gave it to him and for the last month every time he saw the previews of Madagascar 2 he would stop and his tracks and stare, then cheer. So, like any loving parents would, Michael & I decided to take him to the show on Saturday to see it. HE LOVED IT -- sat thru the whole thing in awe and when the credits rolled what did my child say? MORE!!!! We explained there was no more and left the theater fast. On the way home we got him a Happy Meal for being so good and along with it came a Madagascar toy. The toy has been attached to his hand since saturday afternoon and the first Madagascar movie has been in the DVD player since too. AND EVERYDAY we have watched the first Madagascar numerous time. As soon as the credits roll I hear, MORE, MORE, MORE -- I'm so sick of that damn movie -- I'm now singing "I like to Move it, Move it" in my sleep!! I'm starting to think about hiding the toy so he forgets about the movie for a while. :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Trick R Treating
Halloween Morning
A Candid Moment
The Pumpkin Patch
Catching Up
Please bare with me as I am still playing catch up. My blog world has fallen behind because we have been so busy and I promise it will become current soon!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
We Can Only Hope
Well what can I say - the election didn't quite end the way the Davis household and the rest of our family had hoped. Mr. Obama has been elected and now we can only hope that he turns out to be a better man than the picture all the emails have painted of him. We can only pray that he does have EVERYONE's best interest at heart and not those select few. We are also praying that his Muslim background stays in his background and doesn't present itself in the way he chooses to run our country.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Artwork for Mommy
I have to admit, I love picking up Mikey from school and seeing his artwork hanging on the wall at school - and when I find it in his cubby it makes me even more happy - cause now I know I get to hang it on the fridge and see it everyday. Imagine how I felt the day I got 2 masterpieces in his cubby!!!! That's one happy mommy!!! lol
Our new fridge artwork:

Our new fridge artwork:

Mommy - You made this?
Our 3rd cake decorating class we learned to make clown bodies out of icing (which I'll probably never do again). They came out really cute and Mikey was thrilled that he got one all to himself. Granted he ONLY ate the icing, but that's ok - he left the cake for me, which is my favorite part anyway! Here are shots of him when he got home from school eating his clown cupcake!

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