Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nighttime Update

Just a quick update - the doodle bug did excellant last night!!!!! I had my cake decorating class so it was just Daddy & Mikey. He went to bed like a champ (choosing of course his converted crib). I debated when I got home whether I would sleep upstairs again or give him a go at sleeping without a security in the room. At 11pm I decided my bed was far more comfortable. :)

I woke up periodically throughout the night and listened to the monitor expecting to hear him playing or calling for me - but all was silent. He made it thru the night - the WHOLE night! I went upstairs at 7:30 and he was just laying in bed smiling. When I asked if he wanted to get out of bed and come downstairs he said NO. Little stinker loves his bed now! He got out of bed after a few minutes, however didn't want to go downstairs just yet - he wanted to play. So we played and about 10 to 8 I finally convinced him that we needed to go down and start getting ready for school.

Thank you God for answering my prayers and giving me back my little boy who sleeps thru the night and wakes up happy!

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