I am truely blessed that my child has not been one that has been sick much. Sure, we've had the occassional runny nose and cough, but nothing serious and nothing that merited a prescription. That is up until yesterday. I took him to the doctor since he's been battling a runny nose for a week now and it was starting to look a little yellow. Diagnosis -- a bonafide ear infection! It caught me off guard since he hasn't been pulling his ear or giving me any signs that it may be hurting.
The doctor then asked me if there was any medicine that I preferred she didn't prescribe. Uhhhhh, well no, seeing as he hasn't had to take a prescription before. This stopped her in her tracks. She looked at me and said - "21 months old and he's never had a prescription?" As if I'm gonna lie to the doctor!!! I almost told her if she didn't believe me to look thru his chart - see, she's not our "normal" doctor, he wasn't in, so we had to see one of the partners.
She then said - "since this is his 1st prescription, I'll prescribe the good tasting stuff." Well thanks doc, but shouldn't you do that for all the kids? Not just the ones that have never taken a prescription before. I mean really -- if the "good" stuff was always prescribed a mother's work would be a little less hard -- we wouldn't have to fight our children to get the medicine down. So for now my little man is still a good medicine taker - that is until he gets the "not so good stuff" because it's not his 1st prescription!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
That's Daddy's Boy
I wish I would have had a camera taping Mikey this afternoon as I was changing his clothes. His daddy would have watched it over and over! As I slipped a new shirt over his head he looked at himself in the mirror and the animals on the front of the shirt and began his animal sounds. Lion -- ROAR; Giraffe -- he makes a weird nose for the giraffe even though giraffe's don't make noise ---- then the GATOR. Does the gator get a sound - nope - the gator gets a big clap, like he's at a UF football game doing the Gator Chomp. It was priceless and his daddy would have been SO VERY PROUD!
Mikey Likes It!!!!
OK, OK, I swore I would never use that line when I named my child Mikey for fear of scarring him for life BUT he likes it, he really likes it!! School that is! The 1st 3 weeks were rough - he'd cling to my leg and cry when I'd bring him to his classroom and it would break my heart EVERY time - but this week it clicked for him. :)
Tuesday he walked in like a pro - went straight to the teacher and started his little jargon conversation. And today as soon as he was dressed he stood by the garage door doing a little jig like he couldn't wait to get out of the door and to school. I am so happy for my boy -- he has a place to call his own, with his own friends and his own little world. He will definitely need that once baby #2 arrives.
And although it stings to not experience this new part of his life with him, I am happy he is developing a little independence. Mommy is so proud of you Mikey - I love you!
Tuesday he walked in like a pro - went straight to the teacher and started his little jargon conversation. And today as soon as he was dressed he stood by the garage door doing a little jig like he couldn't wait to get out of the door and to school. I am so happy for my boy -- he has a place to call his own, with his own friends and his own little world. He will definitely need that once baby #2 arrives.
And although it stings to not experience this new part of his life with him, I am happy he is developing a little independence. Mommy is so proud of you Mikey - I love you!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Move Over Picasso
Move over Picasso - I have a new favorite artist - Mr. Mikey Davis!!!! :)
My little man brought home his very 1st art project from school and of course I love it! It is proudly being displayed on the fridge. I can't wait to get more. I know in the next week he will be bringing home another because today he painted and came home covered in orange paint. Taking after his mommy I think in the art department! :)
My little man brought home his very 1st art project from school and of course I love it! It is proudly being displayed on the fridge. I can't wait to get more. I know in the next week he will be bringing home another because today he painted and came home covered in orange paint. Taking after his mommy I think in the art department! :)

Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday Family Outing
Friday, September 19, 2008
Well It's About Time
Today has been one for me that will get recorded in Mikey's baby book - why you may ask -- well let me start with a little history...
When Mikey 1st started babbling he did the normal sounds, dada, mama, ohhhh, ahhhhh - things of that nature. However he soon lost all interest in saying mama. We knew he could say it cause he would let one slip every now and again, but he flat out refused. I got used to it and stopped asking for it.
In the last 6 months or so, my name has become "Da". I get "Daaaaaaaaaaa Dis!" all day long when he would want something. And when people would ask him who I was, the answer is always - Da. If you were to show Mikey a photo with me & Michael in it, I am Da and Michael is DaDa - so at least he distinguished between the two of us.
Now, on to today. I'm probably jinxing myself by writing this blog but oh well. For today - one glorious day - I have been MAMA! It has been wonderful -- Mama dis; Mama eeeezzz; Mama, mama, mama! I have not made a big deal of it cause I know the moment I do I'm back to Da - so I have just gone with the flow. I have, however, repeated it whenever he says it -- "Mama eeezzzz "-- "Yes, that's right Mama, please" -- which hasn't seemed to bother him.
Hopefully this is a new beginning for us. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and be Da again - but for one glorious day I got to be Mama for a change and I loved every second! :)
When Mikey 1st started babbling he did the normal sounds, dada, mama, ohhhh, ahhhhh - things of that nature. However he soon lost all interest in saying mama. We knew he could say it cause he would let one slip every now and again, but he flat out refused. I got used to it and stopped asking for it.
In the last 6 months or so, my name has become "Da". I get "Daaaaaaaaaaa Dis!" all day long when he would want something. And when people would ask him who I was, the answer is always - Da. If you were to show Mikey a photo with me & Michael in it, I am Da and Michael is DaDa - so at least he distinguished between the two of us.
Now, on to today. I'm probably jinxing myself by writing this blog but oh well. For today - one glorious day - I have been MAMA! It has been wonderful -- Mama dis; Mama eeeezzz; Mama, mama, mama! I have not made a big deal of it cause I know the moment I do I'm back to Da - so I have just gone with the flow. I have, however, repeated it whenever he says it -- "Mama eeezzzz "-- "Yes, that's right Mama, please" -- which hasn't seemed to bother him.
Hopefully this is a new beginning for us. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and be Da again - but for one glorious day I got to be Mama for a change and I loved every second! :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mommy is SO PROUD!
Mommy was so proud of you today! I watched you at school and you sat like a big boy at the lunch table, eating your crackers and drinking your juice. Then you got up and started playing with the other children. You are doing such a great job. We just have to work on those tears when Mommy drops you off.
Mommy was also very impressed with your artwork. Ms. Chris pointed it out since it was hanging on the wall. It's was beautiful and I can't wait to get it home and hang it on the fridge.
I am so very proud of how well you have adjusted to being in school - you have gotten to be such a BIG BOY! Butttttttttt you will ALWAYS be MOMMY'S BABY!
I love you Doodle-bug!!!
Mommy was also very impressed with your artwork. Ms. Chris pointed it out since it was hanging on the wall. It's was beautiful and I can't wait to get it home and hang it on the fridge.
I am so very proud of how well you have adjusted to being in school - you have gotten to be such a BIG BOY! Butttttttttt you will ALWAYS be MOMMY'S BABY!
I love you Doodle-bug!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's A ........ Stubborn Baby!
It's really a good thing that we didn't want to find out the sex of the baby - cause if we did, we would have been some disappointed! This baby was so very stubborn today during the ultrasound. He/She wouldn't show us anything and kept kicking the wand as if to say "hey, you're pushing kinda hard, get away from me!" The tech got all the measurements she needed but we got none of the fluff. He/She only wanted to show us his/her backside. Oh well - we'll meet you soon enough little one.
Here are the shots we did get:

Here are the shots we did get:

Technology - Not So Great!

Technology is not all it's cracked up to be, my friends! See this washer above - I absolutely loved it when we purchased it in January '06 - lots of cycles, all computerized, high efficiency and the biggest capacity I had ever experienced. Little did I know it was to become the biggest thorn in my side!!
Sure it worked great at first -- then, right when I needed it most -- after Mikey was born, it crapped out on me. 3 service calls later it was back up and running, only because the computer panel was replaced - thank God we were under warrenty.
Now, a year after having that damn computer panel replaced, it craps out on me again. 2 service calls later and the verdict is in -- you need to replace the computer panel and it's gonna cost $400. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Shouldn't a washer last more than a year??
Michael & I decided to hell with our big bad washer with all the technology you could want -- we took that $400 and instead of fixing the machine from hell, we replaced it. Yep, that's right, I went back to an old school washer, old faithful as I like to think of it. No computer panel, no fancy buttons, no special detergent needed, just turn the knob and you're in business.
Lesson learned -- next time I get swept away buy some new appliance I will wait until reviews come out before I purchase it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Oh The Tears
Today is week 3 of Mikey being in school and we still have tears. It breaks my heart, but I know once I leave he is fine and has a lot of fun playing with everyone. I just wish he would be ok with me leaving. Just proves to me how much of a momma's boy he really is. I hope he stays that way. I want nothing more than to have a close relationship with my son throughout his whole life.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Precious Moments
Friday, September 5, 2008
School Days
So school days have begun in our household and I don't know who they affect more - Me or Mikey. Let me explain.....
Tuesday: Day 1
We get up, watch some wiggles, then start getting ready for school. Granny is here to help us which is great. And Mikey is super excited. If you said - "Are you going to school today?" the response would be a dancing 20 month old saying "yeah, yeah, yeah!" He walked into school like a champ, like he owned the place. Walked right into the classroom and started playing - even gave everyone kisses goodbye! I on the other hand broke down as soon as I was outside school doors. I kept thinking - I'm leaving him and he doesn't understand why.
The next 4 hours were the longest of my life. I constantly looked at the clock to see if it was time to pick him up yet. Wasn't this supposed to be a break for me? Instead it turned into an anxiety marathon. :) 12:30 came and off to get him -- I immediatley knew the cry when I walked in the front door. :( I rushed to his classroom and there he is crying his little heart out -- why -- because Mommy didn't pack a pacifier in his bag and everyone else in class had one. BAD MOMMY!!!!! Think to self - if he's like this everytime I pick him up, I can't do it!
Thursday: Day 2
Same routine, get up, watch TV, get ready - only granny's not here this time. Again I get an excited answer when I ask if he's ready for school - ahhhhh, that's relief. Get to school - again walks in like a champ, only this time gripping my finger tightly. We drop off his lunch box and diaper bag in his cubby, then it's time for Mommy to go and I get the hand up and the "OOooooo" - which in Mikey language is "Noooooooooo". My heart starts to break and my instinct is to pick him up and just take him home with me. Instead I take him into the classroom and start playing with him until he is preoccupied - then JET out of there.
Again the next 4 hours are anxiety stricken. I even call the teacher to check on him, she tells me there have been no tears at all and that he is playing with the other kids. (Is this the same response all parents get, regardless of how their child is doing?) A little sigh of relief - but not a big one. It's 12 - I'm heading there early today. We walk in, no crying, good sign. Then I remember I left a statement in the car that I have to talk to the office about - I go out to get it, meanwhile Granny, who's with us, heads in. By the time I get back in I hear it -- the dreaded cry that I know so well. Granny is holding him and he's crying his heart out again - then he sees me and the cry gets harder. OMG - my little man is so heartbroken! The teacher say that a lot of kids do this - they are fine one minute, then see their mom or dad and immediately start crying. How horrible -- I didn't think it was going to be SO VERY HARD!
I always thought school would be hard on the student - never did I imagine that it would be this tough on the parent!
Tuesday: Day 1
We get up, watch some wiggles, then start getting ready for school. Granny is here to help us which is great. And Mikey is super excited. If you said - "Are you going to school today?" the response would be a dancing 20 month old saying "yeah, yeah, yeah!" He walked into school like a champ, like he owned the place. Walked right into the classroom and started playing - even gave everyone kisses goodbye! I on the other hand broke down as soon as I was outside school doors. I kept thinking - I'm leaving him and he doesn't understand why.
The next 4 hours were the longest of my life. I constantly looked at the clock to see if it was time to pick him up yet. Wasn't this supposed to be a break for me? Instead it turned into an anxiety marathon. :) 12:30 came and off to get him -- I immediatley knew the cry when I walked in the front door. :( I rushed to his classroom and there he is crying his little heart out -- why -- because Mommy didn't pack a pacifier in his bag and everyone else in class had one. BAD MOMMY!!!!! Think to self - if he's like this everytime I pick him up, I can't do it!
Thursday: Day 2
Same routine, get up, watch TV, get ready - only granny's not here this time. Again I get an excited answer when I ask if he's ready for school - ahhhhh, that's relief. Get to school - again walks in like a champ, only this time gripping my finger tightly. We drop off his lunch box and diaper bag in his cubby, then it's time for Mommy to go and I get the hand up and the "OOooooo" - which in Mikey language is "Noooooooooo". My heart starts to break and my instinct is to pick him up and just take him home with me. Instead I take him into the classroom and start playing with him until he is preoccupied - then JET out of there.
Again the next 4 hours are anxiety stricken. I even call the teacher to check on him, she tells me there have been no tears at all and that he is playing with the other kids. (Is this the same response all parents get, regardless of how their child is doing?) A little sigh of relief - but not a big one. It's 12 - I'm heading there early today. We walk in, no crying, good sign. Then I remember I left a statement in the car that I have to talk to the office about - I go out to get it, meanwhile Granny, who's with us, heads in. By the time I get back in I hear it -- the dreaded cry that I know so well. Granny is holding him and he's crying his heart out again - then he sees me and the cry gets harder. OMG - my little man is so heartbroken! The teacher say that a lot of kids do this - they are fine one minute, then see their mom or dad and immediately start crying. How horrible -- I didn't think it was going to be SO VERY HARD!
I always thought school would be hard on the student - never did I imagine that it would be this tough on the parent!
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