Friday, September 19, 2008

Well It's About Time

Today has been one for me that will get recorded in Mikey's baby book - why you may ask -- well let me start with a little history...

When Mikey 1st started babbling he did the normal sounds, dada, mama, ohhhh, ahhhhh - things of that nature. However he soon lost all interest in saying mama. We knew he could say it cause he would let one slip every now and again, but he flat out refused. I got used to it and stopped asking for it.

In the last 6 months or so, my name has become "Da". I get "Daaaaaaaaaaa Dis!" all day long when he would want something. And when people would ask him who I was, the answer is always - Da. If you were to show Mikey a photo with me & Michael in it, I am Da and Michael is DaDa - so at least he distinguished between the two of us.

Now, on to today. I'm probably jinxing myself by writing this blog but oh well. For today - one glorious day - I have been MAMA! It has been wonderful -- Mama dis; Mama eeeezzz; Mama, mama, mama! I have not made a big deal of it cause I know the moment I do I'm back to Da - so I have just gone with the flow. I have, however, repeated it whenever he says it -- "Mama eeezzzz "-- "Yes, that's right Mama, please" -- which hasn't seemed to bother him.

Hopefully this is a new beginning for us. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and be Da again - but for one glorious day I got to be Mama for a change and I loved every second! :)

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