Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Phase I Can Do Without!

We are totally in a phase that I can do without! And my God - when does it end??? It's been going on forever!!

Mikey is in the "I don't eat anything" phase. No matter what I put in front of him, he won't eat it. Unless of course it is from the dessert menu, then he laps it up. I've even tried to smother things in BBQ sauce, but he just sucks the sauce off and puts the food back on his plate. I am at the end of my rope and am running out of new inventions for him to try - I wish I knew how to solve this.

It's making my life even harder since he starts school in 3 weeks and I need to pack him a lunch. ARGGHHHHHHH - what am I going to do!?!?!?!?!?

Guess no one ever said being a mom would be easy - I just wish sometimes it wasn't so hard!

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

Taylor is STILL in that phase! I refuse to make her something besides whats on her plate and I can't tell you how many times she's gone to bed w/out supper. Our rule is if she doesn't eat her dinner there will be no snacks. If they are hungry they will eat!